
in the ancient

Roman/Iberian City



During a recent field trip sponsored by our Spanish language school we visited the ancient city of Basti. It really sparked my imagination. It seemed that it would be a lot of fun to spend time helping with the digging. This idea came to fruition because the director of the dig, Andrés M. Adroher Aroux of the University of Granada in Spain, indicated that they always welcome volunteers who would like to help dig. After working out the logistics I was able to spend 3 days digging in the dirt. I had a great time and developed a great appreciation for the work that archeologists endure.

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My first work site.  I was looking for the end of an ancient wall. My fellow workers, real archeologists, excavating and trying to decide what the large cut stone signifies. Once you excavate you have to get rid of the dirt.  Not very glamourous The dirt keeps coming!
My work site the second day.  Sweeping up the dust - a necessary evil. Not only do you have to dig but you also have to record.  The second day a big find.  An Iberian or Roman amphora Everybody wanted to see what had been found.
Andrés, the lead archeologist, trying to decipher what it was they had found. What it actually looked like as the amphora was being uncovered. The light was bad so a screen was held up to make the pictures perfect. My fellow workers and I at the end of my last day.  What an opportunity!