I.D.E.A. Language School

We spent 22 weeks of our stay in Granada going to school at IDEA. We spent 4 hours each day. The time was well spent. The instructors made the time fly by. We made many friends that we hope to have for many years to come. If you want more information on IDEA click here.

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If you have questions for Nancy or Tom use the mail links below.

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Christina, an insturctor, looking for the last bit of information for one of the afternoon literature conferences. Adella, an instructor,  trying to find new ideas for conversation class. Sarah, an instructor, looking for the last exercise for the next class. Inez, an instructor, providing additional guidance to Yuki, verde.
Anna, an instructor, doing what she always does, putting on more clothing as she is always cold. The always welcoming entry to IDEA.  A place to meet and greet your friends. The relaxing patio at the school is always a great place to take a break, or more importantly take a smoke. The classrooms were all great as the class limit was 8 students.
This is the largest classroom where the afternoon conferences and movies were held. Another classroom where Tom tried to cut off his finger while playing with the persiana. This is where Nancy spent many weeks with the advanced class. If you want additional information on the school click on this picture.