Trips in the general area of Granada

Recently we had extra time on a rental car. One day we took a trip on the back roads of Granada to Guadix. We never made it. There were too many things to see. The first 8 pictures are from this adventure. The next day we took some friends, Kay and Boyce, and drove an hour or so north of Granada to Baeza and Canena. Pictures 9 thru 13 are from this drive. The remaining pictures are from a school trip to Baza where we toured an excavation site of a Roman city. Tom is trying to arrange a time to go and help out with the excavation. He wants to go and dig for several days. More later.

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Back side of Dam by Quéntar, on the back road between Granada and Guadix. Pantano de Quéntar on the Río Aguas. Ruinas del Castillo de La Peza (S. IX) El Burro.
El Burro, de nuevo. Mouse Trap. Names of those assinated on 17 marzo de 1937 by the Marxist Hordes.  (in Cementary) Cementary in Purullena.
El Castillo en Canena (S.XVI), built on top of Roman & Moorish Ruins. Inside Castillo Interior Courtyard of Castillo. Ovejas de Baeza.
Tom with Kay & Boice in Baeza. Archiological Excavation in Baza of a 1st Century B.C. Roman City.  Tom is planning to join them for a few days. More worker- What fun - Sun, Wind, Dirt & Dust ' What more could one want? Tom with his Bambolla (salted bread) in front of Archiological Museum.  This is as must as we got to see of the Museum.