
These are a sampling of the pictures we took in Sadaba, one of the "Las Cinco Villas". You may hold the cursor over the picture to get an explanation of the picture. Click on the pictures for a larger version.

The castle of Sadaba.  It needs more refurbishing. An interior shot of the castle. More of the interior of the castle. Medieval Ice House.  This is where they kept ice for use during the summer.
Belltower of the church in Sadaba. Baptismal Font in the Church.  The top is made of wood. When it is time for a baptism then just swing it open. This was an interesting site.  Multiple use site through out history.
Ruins of the synagogue and Roman Mausoleum. Nancy in front of the Roman Mausoleum then used as a synagogo Tom and the ruins. Tom and a castle near Sabada.
Nancy in front of the Roman Mausoleum then used as a synagogo More Roman ruins close to Sadaba. The acqueduct. Tom and the acqueduct.