Barb, Jim, and Jason

Came to Visit!

Early in June after school was out in Missouri, the Stavely family, less Brett (working hard at UMKC), came to visit us. A great time was had by all. We met them in Toledo and spent two days seeing the sights. Wednesday we all drove to Alarcón. We stayed in a cool old castle that had extremely updated furnishings. We could have easily spent another day but we had a schedule to keep. Thursday through Monday we saw the sights and ate "Tapas" in Granada. Tuesday and Wednesday they went to the beach and Morocco. We stayed home. We are not big beach people and have been to Morocco before. They returned Thursday for some last minutes "Tapas" and souvenir shopping before returning to the Madrid area on Friday to catch the plane home on Saturday.

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If you have questions for Nancy or Tom use the mail links below.

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Nancy enjoyed seeing her sister again. We had them walking all over Toledo.  It was not flat! They were not the only ones running all over the city. We spent one evening on a tour of patios in old homes in the center of town.  It was neat.
We stopped to see the hanging houses in Cuenca. It was a long way to the bridge that went over to the hanging houses. Next stop was the castle at Alarcón.  We actually spent the night in the castle. She said, "You expect me to walk up there?!  No Way!!"  We all had a lot of fun.
If we get a chance we will go back and spend some more time. On the tour of Alarcon, the guide gave Jason the key to the city. We made it to the wall of the castle with our guide, Jesus, on the right. When we got back to Granada, it was feria time.  The kids were out in their flamenco outfits.
We walked them around in Granada also.   Coming down from the Abadia. No, We did not let them use the bus!!! Like everyone else, Barb and Jim(?) admired the plate house in the Sacramonte. Jim really liked the food.
The boys went north of Guadix looking for some type of acqueduct.  We found an active one(green top) and one that no longer worked. There was actually water in it. The only one smart enough to stay out of this mess was Jason.