Baza Roman Ruins

24 April 2004

A group of 19 students and friends from I.D.E.A (Instituto de Espanol Albaysin) went on a day outing to the excavation of the Roman ruins close to Baza. Again this group was aptly lead by Ms. Adela Guerrero, a true road warrior. After viewing the ruins and a short walk around the city of Baza, a great lunch was had by all.

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Waiting for the bus.  Getting the details on life in Granada. She said that she could not believe that she was going with these people. Let's Go!!!
We made it!  Where??? Our guide, in the red pants, explaining the excavation of an upscale Roman home. The other part of the group listening to the explanation of the excavation. The herd moving to the next excavation on the site.
Our guide explaining a rock used for grinding flour. An explanation of the excavation of the Roman Temple. Getting to the best site to view the explanation. We had to wait for everyone to get to the top of the Temple for the explanation.
We saw the site and now were on the way back to the bus. They just kept coming!! After we walked around Baza, we waited for the bus. It was a large group.  Everyone returned safely.