Semana Santa


Granada, Spain

This one week period is one of the reasons that Nancy and I came to Spain. She has always wanted to spend Semana Santa in Spain. So we have taken the whole week off of school and traveling to stay in Granada. The main attractions are the "Procession". There are either 32 or 34 of them during the 8 day period that includes today, 4 April 2004. We hope to see many but not nearly all of them. One warning - In many of the pictures you will see images of participants who look to be dressed like members of a racist organization in the United States. This is not the case in Spain. The uniforms are for those who are repenting their sins and do not want people to recognize who they are. The costumes have been used for at least 500 years.

All our pictures will be divided up into days. To see what we have seen click on the links below.




Wednesday - No Pictures



